Bee hive removal is very important to resolving your bee issue. A beehive is the main living structure where honey bees reside and is known as a bee colony. These hives are usually located in the earth or on the outside of your property. The interior of the hives may be made of hexagonal cells usually composed of a honeycomb made of wax paper. You may find different kinds of bees such as: yellow jackets, worker bees, queen bees and drone bees.
These types of bees could be found almost everywhere, so it’s difficult to imagine that you won’t have them at home. In order to address your bee issue, you first need to identify the source of the bees’ entry to your property. It could be holes in the siding or a defective screen door. Most often, the cause of bee hive removal concerns the entrance to the hives. If the entrance is clogged, it makes it easier for the bees to move from their hives into the yard. A simple solution to this is to paint with a polythene tape or caulk the hole in the siding or screen door.
Some people also encounter carpenter bees, which are almost identical to honey bees but are smaller and fly less than the honey bees. Carpenter bees are also aggressive and are known to destroy houses. The best way to prevent both carpenter bees and honey bees from causing trouble is to eradicate or totally eliminate their potential source of entry into your property. You can do this by taking the necessary actions before they can even take root. To that end, the following bee hive removal suggestions can be quite useful.
If you already have a problem with carpenter bees, there are some bee hives available in the market that may help in bee hive removal. These bee hives are specifically designed to cater to these specific insects, offering them protection against predators. They are sometimes available in the market in pre-built frames for you to assemble at home. Alternatively, you can purchase specially-made bee hives at hardware stores.
For carpenter bees, one of the most effective bee hive removal tips involves baiting. This can be done using sugar syrup or simple honey. Both methods do not harm the bees. Baiting has proven to be quite effective in removing bee colonies in the past. In addition, it is considered to be an eco-friendly approach to bee hive removal.
If you have problems with carpenter bees but not with honey bees, there are two possible solutions to this issue. The first is using a bee hive removal company. These companies can be found almost anywhere. However, there are also DIY guides available on how to remove hives from your house for free.
Before hiring a bee hive removal company, make sure they have all the right equipment. Usually, beekeepers will want to hire a company that uses no-chemical beekeeping and pesticides. These chemicals can cause harm to the honey bees living in the hives. Also, you must ensure that they are insured, and their workers carry the right beekeeping equipment.
There are also DIY kits available on how to remove hives safely. These self-help guides usually recommend doing thorough home pest control first before moving on to the bee hive removal. As with all pest control methods, it is best to get rid of the pests that live in the soil surrounding the hives first before proceeding to the removal of bees. This is especially true when using pesticides, as they might kill the bees that live within the hives but might not affect the remaining colony.